
Monday, April 18, 2011

Amazing Cadbury Mini Egg Cookies

I have been making "Amazing Cookies" for years. They are a delicious oatmeal chocolate chip cookie that truly lives up to its name. Well today I decided to combine 2 amazing things. Why wouldn't amazing cookies go well with Cadbury Mini Eggs? I love them both so much I just couldn't resist trying it out. First let me tell you that it is amazing that I even got around to baking any of these cookies. I am pretty sure I could have eaten all of the cookie dough without thinking twice about it. Ok ok I might think twice about it when I gain 50 lbs, but its almost worth it. Luckily I refrained and actually baked some of them. They turned out great! Such a yummy Easter treat!

Amazing Cadbury Mini Egg Cookies

2 cubes butter
1 cup brown sugar
1 cup sugar
2 eggs
1 tsp vanilla
1 tsp baking soda
1 tsp baking powder
1/2 tsp salt
2 cups rolled oats
2-3 cups flour
2 cups Cadbury Mini Eggs

Cream butter and sugars. Add eggs. Beat well. Mix in Vanilla. Add baking soda, baking powder, and salt. Place oats in a food processor or blender and blend until it appears like a coarse flour mixture. Add oats and 2 cups four to butter mixture. Mix until incorporated. If dough is still very sticky add extra flour. Do not over mix. Place Cadbury Mini Eggs in food processor (I did 1 cup at a time) process until eggs are broken up so that you have some really fine pieces and some larger chunks. Add to the cookie dough and mix just until incorporated. Scoop or roll dough into 1 inch round balls. Place on a baking sheet. You can also place an egg on top for fun if you wish. I made some with and some without. Bake at 375 degrees for 10 minutes. Let rest on cookie sheet for a few minutes then transfer to a cooling rack.


  1. What cute cookies! Perfect for Easter. Yum!

  2. Yum, yum, yum! Now this is my kind of oatmeal cookie :)

  3. Neat combination. Happy Easter!

  4. These do sound amazing :) There are so many great flavor combinations these could be adapted to make...but this is perfect for Easter!

  5. I love Mini Eggs! These are so cute :D

  6. Just remembered - I have two bags of mini eggs in the baking cupboard. I cannot think of a better home for them than in your Amazing recipe!

  7. Mmmmm, yum! I have a bag waiting to be made into something right now...

  8. Why not switch out baking chips for similarly shaped and sized candy? I think it can work depending on the cookie base. Good recipe.

  9. I might just have to try these as a little Easter treat! YUM!

  10. These are so cute and look absolutely delish!

  11. What is the conversion of 2 cubes of butter to cup measurement?

  12. Erin- 2 cubes equals 1 cup of butter. Hope they turn out for you!

  13. amazing cookie! love the idea of blending up the oats
