
Friday, April 15, 2011

Dutch Babies (German Pancakes)

 Most everyone that knows me knows that breakfast is one of my passions. I have always loved eating a big warm breakfast. I am really excited to share this recipe with you, not because it is fancy, difficult, or elegant because its not. This is just one of those recipes that is simple and good. Growing up we would all eat Sunday morning breakfast together. It was always such a treat. We almost always had one of four things. Our options for breakfast were crepes, french toast, sour dough pancakes, and dutch babies. My dad and I were usually the ones that made breakfast (which I also loved). It was just such a fun yummy way to start off a good relaxing Sunday. This being said you can understand why there is a warm place in my heart for these yummy things.

I am sure quite a few of you out there have this recipe or some variation of this recipe. I'm sure many of you have some fancy way of making this recipe. That is wonderful, and if you do have a yummy variation I am always up for trying new things, but really this recipe is for those few of you that have never had these. These babies are simple, eggy, and delicious! I hope you all enjoy them.

Dutch Babies

3 eggs beaten
1/2 cup flour
1/2 cup milk
1/2 tsp salt
1 tsp lemon juice
2 tbs melted butter

Combine all ingredients in a blender and blend for 2 minutes. Pour into a well buttered, high sided 9X9 baking pan. Bake at 450 degrees for 15 minutes or until light golden brown. Garnish with melted butter and powdered sugar.

One variation I often use is I will melt the butter in my pan while the rest of the ingredients are mixing in the blender. I then take the hot pan out of the oven and pour the egg mixture right in. It helps the mixture bubble up more while baking and also gives the edges a nice yummy buttery flavor.

1 comment:

  1. I love dutch babies! Either with sugar or with fruit, they are wonderful!
