
Friday, June 10, 2011

Buttermilk Syrup

There is no question as to what my favorite meals are. I have a serious love hate relationship with sugar. Therefore my two favorite meals are breakfast and dessert (yes dessert is a meal just in case you didn't know that).  Years ago I went to this local restaurant that serves delicious breakfast. They have this amazing syrup that I fell in love with instantly. I knew that I needed to figure out how to make it. After searching the web and combining recipes this is what I have come up with.

Buttermilk Syrup

1 1/2 cups white sugar
3/4 cup buttermilk
1/2 cup butter
1 cup corn syrup
1 tsp baking soda
2 tsp vanilla (optional)

In a very large saucepan stir together all the ingredients except baking soda. Bring to a boil. Add Baking soda and cook for 7 minutes. Once the baking soda is added the syrup will foam up quite a bit so make sure you are using a very large saucepan. Remove from heat and serve.


  1. it looks like carmel! What does buttermilk syrup taste like?

  2. Wow... sounds downright decadent!
    I'm a die-hard maple syrup girl (as are most Canadians, obviously), but this looks so tempting that I might just have to make a batch the next time I'm in a pancakey kind of mood. I bet the buttermilk gives it a really nice tangy edge.

  3. That does sound like a terrific syrup! I love sugar, too... I try to hate it, but it always wins me over. :)

  4. Oh man! I'm so glad someone else has enjoyed this as much as I have! It it is seriously the most delicious thing on earth. I just love it's warm buttery caramel flavor with just a tiny bit of tang from the buttermilk.

  5. this looks great! do you know if this stores well or should it be consumed immediately?

  6. oh wow... I've never had buttermilk syrup but that'll definitely change very soon =)

  7. It looks so smooth and caramel-y. This would be so good with French Toast and biscuits too.

  8. Wow! That was amazing! I didn't have butter milk so I made my own with regular milk and husband said it was sinful ;) Oh and I used brown sugar instead...mmm mmm good!

  9. I'm on my second batch of this syrup and I want to eat pancakes every morning so that I can use this. It is incredible. And stores well, I just heat the glass container in a bowl of hot water and then it's easy to pour. Thanks so much!

  10. Oh my goodness, this looks amazing. I just saw your photo and had to click through to see more. Nice work!

  11. Seriously good! I think I'm going to pour it on ice cream, too! Thanks for this recipe!
