
Monday, July 18, 2011

Cookie Salad

A friend of mine from a few years back was so excited when she found out I had a blog. She told me that I had to post the recipe for the zebra cookies. I honestly had no idea what recipe she was talking about. I even googled zebra cookies to see if it would trigger a memory of some recipe I had made for her a few years ago, but it didn't work. I thought of all my cookie recipes and couldn't think of any that would even remotely resemble zebra cookies. I gave up the search and quickly forgot about her request. I'm sure she was frustrated that I never posted the recipe. She recently sent me another message asking me again to post the zebra cookie fruit salad thingy. This time the light went on! I knew exactly what recipe she was talking about and I am so excited to share it with all of you. Many of you might know this recipe. I personally like any way to get more fruits and veggies in, but in some sort of delicious unhealthy way. The fruit in this salad makes me feel a little bit better about eating all the cookies that are in it too! This is definitely a crowd pleaser for any age group!

Cookie Salad


2 cups cold buttermilk

1 (5.1 ounce) package instant vanilla pudding mix

1 (12 ounce) container frozen whipped topping and thawed, or 12 oz heavy whipping cream whipped and lightly sweetened.

2 (11 ounce) cans mandarin oranges, drained

1 can pineapple

1 (11.5 ounce) package fudge striped shortbread cookies, coarsely crushed

In a bowl, whisk the buttermilk and pudding mix for 2 minutes. Let stand for 2 minutes or until soft-set. Fold in whipped topping and oranges and pineapple. Cover and refrigerate until serving. Fold in crushed cookies.


  1. YAY!!! I AM SO HAPPY! I seriously love this blog. Thank you for posting this. I crave it all the time and I think about it every time I see the cookies! Remember peanut butter night? Well, if you run out of ideas, maybe post some of the delicious treats from that night??? LOVE YOU, LOVE YOUR BLOG, I'M GOING TO GO GET FAT NOW~

  2. Yum!!! If I can eat cookies and call it a salad, it is a good day!

  3. What a wonderful dessert that will come together pretty quickly on a weeknight! This is my kind of salad!!! : )

  4. That is a great idea. It looks so good.

  5. Yum I agree with Erin! If I can eat cookies and call it Salad, it's a Win!! Great Post!

  6. I had to look at this post when I saw it in my inbox- cookie salad?! This looks so good and I am sure I can cut sugar and calories for the diabetic in my house- thanks for this great idea!

  7. Yup, had to look when I saw cookie salad, too! I bet this is fabulous~

  8. Haha, don't you hate it when you don't know what someone is talking about. I read the title and I just had to see what this was all about, I mean, Cookie Salad? Looks yummy!

  9. Cookie Salad!?!? And with fudge stripe cookies! Oh my god, this is too good to be true! Looks amazing :)

  10. Now that is my kind of salad. Love this!

  11. Oh my! This looks sooo good!!! Peferct on a hot day!

  12. Yep!!! Now that's a salad! Should fit right into my diet ;) I have been eating alot more salads lately.

    Looks absolutely delicious!

  13. Can I ask what size can and kind of pineapple? and should it be drained?

    1. Honestly I use whatever size and type of pineapple I have on hand. I think I usually use a 20 oz can or either pineapple chunks or crushed pineapple. If all you have is rings then you could just cut them into smaller pieces. Yes I do drain the fruit first before mixing it in.
