
Friday, July 29, 2011

Cookies And Cream Rice Krispie Treats

Random fact about me, I LOVE sleeping in! A lazy Saturday morning is such a wonderful thing to me. Considering that I wake up at 5 several days a week makes my late lazy mornings even more worth it. My husband on the other hand sees Saturdays as a day to get things done. He typically wakes up around 7 am and is ready to go out and work in the yard. I think he has this internal battle every Saturday. He is awake and wants to get to work, but he is also so sweet and doesn't want to wake me up. He usually resorts to reading the news on his phone and looking at me every time I slightly open my eyes to see if I am awake enough that he doesn't feel guilty getting out of bed. Really it is the sweetest thing and I love it. The funny part about it is that when I first met him he was the one that slept in forever!

Now on to the real reason you are reading this blog....the food! This morning (after I slept in of course) I realized that I needed to make some rice krispie treats. I haven't made these in years. I decided that I (of course) needed to spice it up a little bit. I have seen variations of cookies and cream rice krispie treats on other sites, but decided to just make my own combination of flavors and they turned out just how I wanted them to. I wanted them to still have the basic rice krispie treat flavor with just that little bit of goodness that oreo's add to most recipes. These treats are soft and chewy and oh so delicious!

Cookies And Cream Rice Krispie Treats

1 cube butter
8 cups mini marshmallows (or about 80 of the large marshmallows)
1 1/2 tbs milk
1 tsp vanilla
10 cups Rice Krispies cereal
25 Oreo cookies crumbled


Melt butter in a large pan over low heat. Add marshmallows and stir until mostly melted. Add milk and vanilla. Continue stirring until completely melted and well blended. Cook for 2 minutes longer. While marshmallow mixture is melting combine cereal and oreos. stir to mix in oreos. Butter or spray with cooking spray a 9X13 pan. Once marshmallow mixture is melted remove from heat and add cereal mixture. Stir until well coated. With a greased hand or wooden spoon press mixture into prepared pan. Let cook. Once cooled cut into desired size pieces and enjoy.


  1. You totally deserve to sleep in on Saturdays. Sundays are usually my "sleep in" days but unfortunately, 7:30 is sleeping in to me. I also get up early during the week but thankfully, my body is used to it! Your rice krispie treats look great, I love the addition of the Oreo's. Perfect twist on an old favorite!

  2. I've never heard of Cookies & Cream Rice Krispy Treats!! Great idea!

  3. Great idea, mixing two favorites into one. I still have some oreos left but not for long. Thanks for sharing!

  4. You just totally improved a rice krispy treat! I long for the days of sleeping in! I have a 6 year old who is an early riser no matter what. I am waiting for the teenage years when he will want to sleep!

  5. I always sleep in on saturdays, only day we can sleep late. I even post on my fb not to wake us. Lol! These look so good. What a great idea to make them over.

  6. Love this addition to rice crispy treats!

  7. My boyfriend does the same thing sometimes! Reads his phone until I move enough to consider me awake :) I think that he would love these rice crispie treats though, cookies are cream are so good!

  8. There is nothing better than sleeping in on a lazy Saturday morning...except perhaps waking up to these scrumptious treats! Love the cookies and cream addition here! : )

  9. Great recipe. I love how you added your own little spice to it :)

  10. Genius! Love this variation on Rice Crispy treats! They are a staple when my friends and I go tailgating so I will have to try this...
