
Wednesday, July 20, 2011

Oriental Chicken Salad

I know many of you have probably had this salad before. It is a great easy salad to through together and is always a crowd pleaser. This was one of the only things I requested to be served at one of my bridal showers. I absolutely love it. The thing about this salad is that I forget about it for a while but when I remember it again I am so excited and love every second of eating it!

I must be honest I have one other reason why I was really excited to make this salad. Do you see the bowl that the salad is in? I don't think the picture does it justice but it is the coolest bowl. My sister in law gave it to us last year and I enjoy any excuse to use it. Really I should have just taken a picture bowl so you all could enjoy the beauty and color of it! I guess you will just have to use your imagination, but just know that it is awesome.

Oriental Chicken Salad

1 lb shredded cooked chicken
4 tablespoons toasted slivered almonds
4 tablespoons sesame seeds
1 head raw cabbage, chopped
2 pkgs chicken flavored Top Ramen (broken and uncooked)
4 stalks green onion, chopped (optional)
4 tablespoons sugar
1 cup oil (I used mostly olive oil with a few tbs sesame oil)
2 teaspoons salt
1/4 teaspoon pepper
6 tablespoons vinegar

In large bowl mix together the chicken, almonds, sesame seeds, cabbage, broken Ramen noodles and onion. In a separate bowl whisk together sugar, oil, salt, pepper, vinegar, and seasoning packets from the ramen noodles. Pour mixture over salad. If you like the noodles crunchy then serve immediately. If you prefer soft noodles then store in an airtight container overnight stirring occasionally.

Recipe Source: Adapted from CD Kitchen


  1. Love the bowl but love the salad even more. This salad is new to me. I love cold noodle salads and am glad to discover this recipe.

  2. I have to agree, I love that bowl! I haven't seen this salad as well, but it sure does sound like something I would enjoy!

  3. That is one awesome bowl! I love this salad, I make it often. Easy, fast, and a crowd pleaser!

  4. I love all the flavors in this dish. It's beautiful and looks delicious!

  5. My mom always makes this salad when we have bbqs but I never knew the recipe! Thanks for sharing :)

  6. This is one of my favorites, though I do make it slightly different. Looks great! And I agree LOVE that bowl!

  7. I have seen many different versions of this salad, this one looks nice and simple! Thank you for sharing this one!

  8. The bowl is definitely gorgeous! And I haven't had this salad in forever, but I'm going to have to remedy that soon =)

  9. It seems there are many different subtle variations of this recipe...I think I love them all :)
