
Friday, August 26, 2011

Ginger Cookies and a Giveaway!

I am so so so excited about today's post! First of all this is my very first giveaway and I am so excited about it! Second I have a super yummy recipe to share with you straight out of the cutest little cookbook I have ever seen. And last of all it is Friday!

So to get you all excited for this giveaway I am sharing with you one of the recipes out of this adorable cookbook. Ali over at Lemon Poppy Cakes has done such a great job putting together her cookbooks and they are full of fun family friendly recipes. She has 4 of the cutest cookbooks with another one coming next month! Let me just tell you the names of the cookbooks and you will begin to see how cute they are. Her 4 books are: When Life Gives You Lemons, When Life Gives You Friends, When Life Gives You Chocolate Cravings, and When Life Gives You Kids. She sells her books for only $8.99 and free shipping (what a great deal!) but one of you lucky winners will get a free copy of When Life Gives You Kids! I will go over guidelines in a moment but first lets get to this yummy recipe!

Gingerbread cookies are often something you think of only around Christmas time. They are such a yummy treat and so fun to do with kids (or adults) that I think they deserve more recognition all year. These cookies can be made into gingerbread people or you can make them round and eat them as is. They are great either way. I am posting this recipe straight out of her cookbook so you can get a feel of its cuteness!

Now if that doesn't make you want to win or buy her cookbooks I don't know what will! 

Here is how it works: I am giving away one copy of When Life Gives You Kids! You can enter one of two ways:

1. Become a fan on my Facebook page. If you are already a fan than you are already entered.

2. Become a follower on my blog. Once again if you are already a follower than you are already entered.

3. Leave me a comment telling me you are a fan or a follower. Leave a one comment for each entry (you should have a total of 2 comments if you are a fan and a follower). Please also leave me an email address so I can contact the winner.

The contest ends Monday Aug. 29th and I will post the winner on Wednesday Aug. 31st so check back often! Good Luck!

This contest is for US residents only.

Last of all since you are out in cyberspace becoming a follower and fan of various pages you should also follow Ali over at Lemon Poppy Cakes and become a fan of her facebook page as well.


  1. There you go, I just "liked" you on FB (as TammyJo Eckhart). Congrats on your first giveaway!

  2. Great give away. I am following on Google an Facebook

  3. I'm already a follower (yum...your cookies look delish!).

  4. I'm already a follower. Great giveaway!
