
Monday, September 5, 2011

Macaroni Grill Bread

I love bread! If a restaurant serves bread before the meal I am usually more excited to eat the bread than anything else. I don't know if it is just the fact that I am usually really hungry when they bring the bread out, or if the bread really is just amazing. Either way I love going to places that serve amazing bread. This restaurant is the same. I always love eating their bread. My mom actually gave me this recipe. She had it at a friends house and raved about it so much that I just had to get the recipe. This recipe really does come pretty close to the real thing, if I could only find some opera singer to come sing in my kitchen!

Macaroni Grill Bread
Yield: 2 loaves
Time: 1 1/2 hours start to finish

1 1/2 t active dry yeast
1 C warm water
3 T olive oil
1/4 t sugar
2 1/2 C flour
1 1/2 t salt
1/4 t McCormick Italian Seasoning Grinder
1/4 t cracked black pepper
3/4 T fresh rosemary, snipped

1 egg
butter and salt

1. In the bottom of your mixer combine water, yeast and sugar. Mix it around a bit with a spoon and let it sit for 5 minutes.
2. Add the salt, oil and 1 C flour. Mix for 30 seconds to incorporate.
3. Add the rest of the flour about 1/2 C at a time, while the mixer continues to mix.
4. When all of the flour is incorporated mix on high for about 7 minutes.
5. While your mixer is doing it's fine work, get your herbs and seasonings ready to go. I like to snip rosemary with scissors. You don't want to eat any of the thick stem that rosemary comes on, only the little needles.
6. When your dough is done mixing add the rosemary, pepper and Italian seasoning. Mix just until incorporated.
7. Cover your mixing bowl with a kitchen towel and let it rise for about 40 minutes, or until doubled in size.
8. Divide the dough into 2 parts. Shape into balls and place on a sprayed cookie sheet, or a cooking stone with a bit of olive oil on it.
9. Spray a sharp knife with cooking spray and cut 2 slits in the top of the bread.
10. In a small bowl whisk an egg until frothy. Brush the egg all over the top of the loaf and into the cracks.
11. Place the loaves into a warm oven. (I set mine to 170) Let them rise until doubled in size, about 15 minutes.
12. Turn your oven up to 370 degrees and bake for about 20 minutes, or until golden brown.
13. When the loaves come out of the oven, place them on a cooling rack. Brush butter over the tops and sprinkle a little bit of salt over the top of the butter. Be careful to not get too much. I always use freshly cracked salt. You can buy both salt and pepper crackers at Costco these days. Look on the spice aisle.

Recipe Source: Jamie Cooks It Up!


  1. I am the same way when I go to restaurants! I've never been to Macaroni Grill - the bread looks wonderful!

  2. I love their bread!! If I wasn't lactose now I would still be going to Red Lobster, just for the biscuits. Thanks for the Recipe!

  3. I'm with you. I could be happy just eating bread dipping it in olive oil!!

  4. I always have to make sure I do not fill up on the delicious bread that some restaurants serve before the meal. This loaf looks especially tasty-bookmarked. Great post.

  5. I love the Macaroni Grill's Bread... Haven't had it in so many years, and every time I see the commercials I start to drool... Now I can make it myself! Thanks!

  6. I love their bread, been years since I have had it though. Can't wait to try it again!

  7. This looks great, I love this bread! And usually, I fill up on bread much that I take one piece, and ask to have it removed. Sometimes it breaks my heart to do that.

  8. Oh I havent been to MG in so long, all the ones by me have been closing up. That bread looks delish and I love that it makes 2 loaves!

  9. Have I told you that I love you?? I'm also a bread fanatic. I remember taking the hour treck just to go to the Macaroni Grill until they shut down a few years ago. My family used to joke that we would go there if they only served Diet Coke and that bread!! I've been trying to re-create it now that the restaraunt is gone, but I have been unsuccesful and I can't wait to try this!! P.S. Don't forget the good dipping olive oil with freshly ground black pepper. I love that you even remembered to put coarse salt on top of the bread. Delish!!

  10. I found this recipe this morning and made it this afternoon! Just ate a piece and it's awesome! Didn't have the Italian seasoning so I used some oregano, marjoram, and garlic powder. Then totally forgot the last step with the butter and salt! I was in too much of a rush to eat it. :) Thanks for posting this!
