
Wednesday, September 28, 2011

Soft Caramel Popcorn

I have a battle that goes on within myself every time I want to make caramel popcorn. The battle isn't whether or not I should make it. No, it is whether to make a gooey popcorn or a crunchy popcorn. I love them both for different reasons. A few years ago I thought I was a gooey person all the way. I then decided to make a crunchy popcorn and couldn't stop eating it. It has been a while since I have made this soft gooey popcorn and now I can't stop eating this one either. The moral of the story is that caramel popcorn is divine no matter what form it comes in!

Soft Caramel Popcorn

1 cube butter (1/2 cup)
1 cup light corn syrup
1/2 bag (1 lb) brown sugar
1 can sweetened condensed milk

Melt butter in a medium saucepan. Add corn syrup and brown sugar. Bring mixture to a boil. Once boiling mix in sweetened condensed milk. Cook for 5-10 minutes or until mixture almost reaches a soft ball stage. I like mine a little softer so I brought it to about 220 degrees. Pour over one large bowl popped popcorn. I used air popped popcorn but microwave popcorn works well too. I used about 1 cup un-popped popcorn that turned into one large bowl of popcorn. Use more or less popcorn depending on how much caramel you like on your popcorn.


  1. OH MY WORD! This looks awesome! I love caramel popcorn. If I made this I would have to make multiple batches for our family. And.... I just might. Thanks for posting!

  2. You are absolutely correct! Popcorns ARE addictive! These look so delectable!!

  3. I'll take popcorn in any form, thank you very much! I always forget about caramel corn in the fall. I just get so caught up in pumpkin and apples...
