
Thursday, January 5, 2012

Honey Sweetened Hot Chocolate

This week has been a week of adjustment for me. A week (well we are at 5 days now) of no sugar has been rough. Ok in all honesty it hasn't been that bad. When I am at home it is easy to make my own thing, but at work is when it gets hard. My food options are slightly limited at work. I either have to bring my own food, or eat all sorts of unhealthiness. I try as much as possible to bring my own food, but sometimes I just don't feel up to it. Since I stopped eating sugar I seem to notice all the sugar around me. The thing that I have notice the most is all the chocolate that is left over from Christmas. So what does a girl do when she needs some chocolate but not eating sugar? She makes this hot chocolate that is what she does!
Classic Hot Cocoa
Definitely sweeten to taste. We’ve done as low as two tablespoons of honey, but some might find even the 1/4 cup not sweet enough. You can also use stevia.
    3 cup of whole milk
    1/4 cup of cocoa powder
    1/4 cup of maple syrup or honey
    1 teaspoon vanilla extract
In a small bowl or cup stir the cocoa powder with about 1/4 cup of the milk until smooth with no lumps. Combine in a small or medium pot with the rest of the milk and sweetener, whisk to combine. Heat to desired serving temperature and add vanilla. Serve, as desired, with whipped cream or marshmallows.

Recipe Source: The Nourishing Gourmet

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