
Tuesday, February 7, 2012

Lemon Curd Bars

I found this recipe last month when I was searching for desserts that didn't use sugar. This recipe intrigued me. I have always loved lemon bars, but these didn't look like your typical lemon bars. These bars are completely gluten and grain free. Now if you have ever looked at my blog you know that I am addicted to breads and most my recipes use some sort of grain in it. I considered changing the crust portion and make them with flour, but I decided to try them first just the way the recipe was given. I was a little nervous to try them. Of course the first time I make them I make them to serve to people. I always have this nervous moment right before we all try them. I just hope and pray for those few moments before I bite in that they actually taste good. Well much to my surprise they were great! They are very lightly sweetened, not heavy or greasy. They are a perfect little snack. Since that first night that I tried these I have found myself craving them! Desserts like this made not eating sugar a cinch!

Tangy Lemon Curd

This is a more frugal version of curd, because, like the Joy of Cooking’s version, I use whole eggs instead of just the egg yolks. However, you could substitute 6 egg yolks for the whole eggs for a super rich curd. 

3 large eggs
1/4 -1/3 cup of honey
Grated zest of one lemon (I used about 1 tablespoon)
1/2 cup of lemon juice
6 tablespoons virgin coconut oil (or you could use ghee or butter).

1-In a medium stainless steel or enamel saucepan, whisk together the first three ingredients until light colored.

2-Add the the coconut oil, breaking it into small clumps as you drop it into the pot for even melting. Then add the lemon juice.

3-Cook, whisking over medium heat until the coconut oil is melted. Continue to cook until the mixture thickens and you start to see a few bubbles popping at the surface.

4-Remove from heat, and scrape into a fine sieve set over a bowl. Strain the curd, gently stirring if needed.

5-Refrigerate for several hours to thicken. Will keep about one week in the refrigerator.

Lemon Curd Bars
Makes 16

1 recipe of tangy lemon curd (Recipe above. Save extra zest for the the cookie base).
1 cup of raw almonds
1 cup of raw cashews
1/4 cup honey (These are very lightly sweetened. If you want the bars sweeter, you could up this amount)
1/2 cup of melted virgin coconut oil
2-4 teaspoons lemon zest
2 eggs
1 teaspoon sea salt

1-Preheat the oven to 400 degrees and make the lemon curd (recipe above) Place the curd in the refrigerator to cool.

2- Place the almonds and the cashews in a food processor. Grind them into a medium fine “flour”. You don’t want to turn it into a nut paste, so don’t over do it. There will still be little chunks here and there.

3-Add the rest of the ingredients and pulse until combined.

4-Evenly spread the nut batter into a greased 8 by 8 pan. Place in the middle of the hot oven. It will take between 15 to 18 minutes to cook. It may puff up as it cooks, but don’t worry, it won’t stay that way once you take it out of the oven. When the top is lightly brown, and a toothpick comes out clean when stuck in the middle, it’s done.

4-Cool completely, then spread one recipes of lemon curd on top. Let set in the refrigerator for at least several hours. The curd will continue to set, and we liked it even better the next day. When ready to serve, take them out and cut into squares (16 bars worked well for us), and serve.


Recipe Source: The Nourishing Gourmet


  1. I am mad for lemon curd, these look and sound amazing!

  2. I never heard of those, I guess I have to still learn a lot! Love finding new recipes, and those bars look amazing, Im very tempted to try them! Wishing you all the best!

  3. I can't eat gluten and I'm doing a low sugar thing right now - these look PERFECT!! When I've made lemon curd in the past, I save the egg whites and use them to make omelets or quiche or something later - no wasting!!

  4. I'm totally going to have to try these sometime soon...
