
Tuesday, March 6, 2012

Cookie Dough Bites

I feel like this post doesn't require much of an introduction. There is a good chance that if you have been to this blog before you know that I love cookies, cookie dough, and pretty much anything that contains sugar. So obviously when I found this recipe I had to try it. I think these are absolutely delicious. I even had a friend tell me that she really liked them and she doesn't like cookie dough. They don't taste exactly like cookie dough but all in all it is pretty close. Happy Eating!

Cookie Dough Bites
Hands-On Time: 20 minutes
Ready In: 1 hour
Yield: 2 dozen cookies

    1 cup salted butter, softened
    1½ cups packed light brown sugar
    1 teaspoon vanilla extract
    2 cups flour
    6 ounces miniature chocolate chips

  1. Cream butter and sugar together.
  2. Add remaining ingredients and mix well -- use your hands to get it together the best.
  3. Roll into 1-inch balls.
  4. Refrigerate until firm, about 30 minutes. Dip in chocolate, drizzle with chocolate or eat as is -- equally delicious no matter what!
  5. Let stand at room temperature for about 10 minutes before serving.
  6. Store in the refrigerator. 
Recipe Source:Disney Family

1 comment:

  1. This seems almost too easy to make with ingredients that I keep regularly stocked in my kitchen... How dangerous! I could be eating these delicious bites daily!
