
Sunday, March 11, 2012

Easy Peanut Butter Swirl Brownies

We have been moving this week (hence the lack of posts recently). It has been a busy and great week, but with moving that means lack of cooking supplies, pans, ovens, and Internet. This all means eating out for an entire week. We are finally in our new (actually its old) house and I know where almost all of my kitchen stuff is! To celebrate being in our house we to make some treats. Since I only know where most of my stuff is I decided to go easy. I decided to make peanut butter swirl brownies. They are easy, I had all of the supplies, and I adore chocolate and peanut butter anything! I thoroughly enjoyed them and I hope you will too!

(Our Camera is also in between houses so this one was taken with my phone. Thank heaven for camera phones)

Easy Peanut Butter Swirl Brownies


1 box(es) (19.8-ounce) brownie mix
1/2 cup(s) peanut butter
1/4 cup(s) confectioners' sugar
1 1/2 tablespoon(s) melted butter
1 large egg

Prepare brownie mix as label directs for 9" by 9" pan. In bowl, stir peanut butter, sugar, melted butter, and egg until smooth. Dollop peanut butter mixture onto brownie batter in pan; swirl with knife. Bake according to directions.

Recipe Source: Good Housekeeping 

1 comment:

  1. Very yummy looking and sounding. Thank you for sharing the recipe. I've buzzed you, too.
