Wednesday, September 11, 2024

Biscoff Carmelitas

Biscoff Carmelitas

Carmelitas aka caramel cookie bars are my newest obsession! We had them at my sister in law's and I knew I had to make them again and make them my own. If you know me you know that in my world biscoff makes everything better. If you are looking for a unique twist on a classic treat or crowd pleasing dessert this combination promises to be a hit! 

I make the caramel layer from scratch. It is so good and easy, but if you don't want to make a homemade caramel you are welcome to just use a bottle of caramel sauce. I personally think the homemade caramel is 100% worth it!

Biscoff Carmelitas

Base/Topping Layer

1 cup butter softened

1 cup plus 2 tbs brown sugar

1 1/2 cups all purpose flour

1 1/2 cups oats

1/2 tsp salt

1 tsp baking soda

1 bag milk chocolate chips

1 cup biscoff spread

Butterscotch Caramel Layer

1 cup packed brown sugar

3/4 cup heavy cream

1/2 cup butter (I use salted)

1/4 tsp salt

1/2 tsp vanilla extract


Preheat oven to 350º. Lightly grease a 9X13 pan

For the base layer: Combine the first 6 ingredients (butter, brown sugar, flour, oats, salt, and baking soda) in a stand mixer and mix just until combined. Take out 1/4 of the mister and save for later. This will be your topping. Press the remaining 3/4 of the mixture into the prepared 9X13 pan. (I usually press it first with my hands and then roll it smooth with a small rolling pin) Bake at 350º for 10-12 minutes. While that bakes make your caramel.

Caramel Sauce: In a medium sauce pan add the brown sugar, heavy cream, butter and salt. Cook over medium low heat until the butter is melted, stirring occasionally. Once the butter is melted increase the heat to medium. Bring mixture to a simmer and cook for 3-4 minutes stirring constantly. Take off heat and stir in vanilla.

Once the base layer is cooked remove from the over. Spred  biscoff over the base layer. I find it is easier if I warm up my biscoff and just pour it over the base. I then spread it out to evenly cover the base. Once my biscoff is in place I pour my prepared caramel over the biscoff. I don't alway use the whole recipe of caramel. Just pour it until it seems to cover the pan. The caramel is delicious so any extra should be eaten over ice cream or just by the spoonful. Now take your chocolate chips and sprinkle them on top of the caramel layer. Now take the saved base/topping and sprinkle it over the chocolate chips. Bake for another 10-12 minutes at 350º. Let cool before cutting and enjoy!

I give credit to Mel's Kitchen Cafe for the amazing Caramel Recipe!

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