

The Beginning:
My love for baking started when I was a young girl. I remember making cookies for the family or at my grandma's house whenever possible. Years after that, my dad and I started making breakfast for the family every Sunday. This was a tradition that I loved. Baking cookies and Sunday breakfast definitely helped feed my passion for baking.

Since my younger years of baking, my variety and difficulty of food I make have definitely changed and improved. The one thing that hasn't changed is my pickiness in the foods I like. I still have a long list of foods that I don't like. I often say that I'm "working on" liking something. This consists of me trying it several times, and hopefully someday will be able to eat it without pulling a funny face. As much as I try, I can't help but pull a funny face when I really don't like something. My friend once called it my "tomato face". In case you were wondering, tomatoes are one of the foods I'm "working on". I have actually made some progress with tomatoes. I can occasionally eat them on sandwiches and such and actually enjoy them.

When it boils right down to it, the real reason I love to bake is because I love to eat delicious things. I love to enjoy great tasting food, and also love sharing it with others. I have a really hard time making anything that I wouldn't want to eat myself.

The Blog:
This blog was actually my husband's idea. He is my guinea pig for most of the recipes and often times I don't remember which recipe I used or which one turned out great. We decided that I needed somewhere I could put my favorite recipes so I would remember exactly what I did. It's also a great way to share my favorite recipes with my friends and family. I started this blog in March 2011 and it truly has been a fun learning experience.

The Photography:
All of the pictures on this site were taken by myself or my husband. The photography part of the blog has been the biggest challenge for me. I have been able to make food that tastes good for a while, but actually making it look good is a completely different realm of creativity. I am definitely an amateur photographer. I am lucky to have a husband that is much more camera savvy than I am. I know that my picture taking skills have come a long way, but wow, do they still have a long way to go.

My Personal Life:
I am a newly wed (well kinda). I married the most amazing man who is my biggest supporter and most willing taste tester. We have a blast together and I'm so lucky to have him in my life. Just recently we added another (smaller) taste tester. He keeps us busy, but he sure enjoys sampling the foods as well. As far as work goes I am not a professional baker. I have a very part time day job (on top of being a mom) that I really enjoy (most of the time). I really love that baking is just a hobby for me. I worry that if I were to ever do it professionally that some of the magic would be lost. I absolutely love to bake and try new recipes.